Orchestrations: Greig McRitchie
Sound engineer: Shawn Murphy
Music editor: Jim Henrikson
Choir: The Boys Choir Of Harlem
Choir: The Boys Choir Of Harlem
French horn: James Thatcher
Grammy Award Winner: Best score soundtrack album for a motion picture, television or other visual media
Grammy Award Winner: Best score soundtrack album for a motion picture, television or other visual media
End Credits lyrics:
"Blow the horn, play the fife, beat the drum so slowly
Blow the horn, play the fife, make the drum beat . . . lowly"
Blow the horn, play the fife, make the drum beat . . . lowly"
Charging Fort Wagner lyrics:
Judex est ventusurus,
cuncta cuncta stricte discusurus!
Judex est ventusurus,
cuncta cuncta stricte discusurus!
Tuba tusi tremor turus quando
judex stricte est venturus
resti quantus tremor turus quando
stricte stricte est venturus respa
judex est venturus
cuncta stricte discusurus sundex
judex stricte est venturus
resti quantus tremor turus quando
stricte stricte est venturus respa
judex est venturus
cuncta stricte discusurus sundex
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
per sepulchra regionum
per sepulchra regionum
Liber scriptus proferetur
continentur, libera me.
Judex ergo cum sedebit
apparebit, nil in ultum.
continentur, libera me.
Judex ergo cum sedebit
apparebit, nil in ultum.
Tuba tus sum ego turus quando
judex est venturus coget
respa tura unde, tura unde
rati respa sula judex
respi quantus situ,
turus stricte discusurus!
judex est venturus coget
respa tura unde, tura unde
rati respa sula judex
respi quantus situ,
turus stricte discusurus!
Spargens ante, libera me, libera me, eterne
Spargens ante, libera me, libera me, omnesi
Quantus tremor est futurus
quando judex est venturus, turus
quanda stricte est venturus
cuncta stricte discusurus!
Spargens ante, libera me, libera me, omnesi
Quantus tremor est futurus
quando judex est venturus, turus
quanda stricte est venturus
cuncta stricte discusurus!
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