Announced by a short teaser last week, here is the very first trailer to Ender's Game, an adaptation of Orson Scott Card's sci-fi novel (1985) directed by Gavin Hood. The story is about a young exceptional boy named Ender (Asa Butterfield – The Boy In The Striped Pajamas) who is enroled in a space war school to participate to a huge war simulation under the authority of Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford). Note that Hailee Steinfeld (Romeo And Juliet) and Ben Kingsley (Searching For Bobby Fischer, The House Of Sand And Fog) also star in the film.

This trailer does not include the score composed by James Horner, since he must be working on it as we publish this.

Official website

Photo Credit : © Kurtzman Orci Paper Products – Chartoff Productions – Odd Lot Entertainment –  Summit Entertainment

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