Update: Paolo Buonvino will finally be the composer of Fathers and Daughters.
Italian director, Gabriele Muccino (The Last Kiss, The Pursuit of Happiness, Seven Pounds), announced that James Horner will compose the music for his next film: Fathers and Daughters. The story takes place in New York and follows a novelist engaged with his own madness who is struggling to raise his daughter alone. 25 years later, still in Manhattan, the girl, now an adult, tries to overcome the trials of her childhood. The film brings to the screen Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried, Aaron Paul, Diane Kruger and Jane Fonda.
Here are messages posted by Gabriele Muccino on his Twitter and Facebook accounts:

The movie, in editing, is announced for 2015.
It’s really really disappointing to hear the news that james is replaced by other composer for F&D.I really don’t know how to react to this thing.It is better to announce name of the composer once he started to score rather than telling before and replacing in the middle.Anyway looking forward for wolf totem and The aviation 🙂