Courtesy of Universal Music
Dear readers,
For some weeks now you may have noticed the absence of new articles published on the site. This is due to several reasons:
– Writing is a lengthy and convoluted process, especially if the aim is to offer articles that are high-quality, complete and informative.
– We currently do not have many editors available.
– Resources on the site the past few weeks have focused primarily on adding new features and coming to grips with technical problems.
– Writing is a lengthy and convoluted process, especially if the aim is to offer articles that are high-quality, complete and informative.
– We currently do not have many editors available.
– Resources on the site the past few weeks have focused primarily on adding new features and coming to grips with technical problems.
However we wanted to revive our publishing efforts, because this week marks the first anniversary of the death of James Horner. In this first edition of the Remembrance Week, the following six articles will be published:
If our promotional copy arrives in time
Regarding the biography series Fond Memories, we think it will take up no fewer than forty episodes. When we get to the post-Titanic period (around episode 30), each episode will be accompanied by interviews with James Horner already published in French in the Horner fanzine Dreams – Cinéfonia Magazine but as yet unavailable in English.

Also, plenty of other articles are in the early stages, one being an exclusive interview with a very close associate of James Horner’s. To wrap things up, the arrival of The Magnificent Seven, Collage and – we hope – Living In the Age of Airplanes will present us with an opportunity this autumn to publish more of our customary in-depth analyses.
With over 10,000 monthly visitors and a Facebook page boasting 2,400 subscribers, our site is well on its way to becoming the premier platform for the community of James Horner fans.
We have now set up a registration system which will allow members to upload comments faster, communicate with other members and especially to join in the new album rating system.
Want to submit your comments on any given Horner album? Simply go to the album, click the Reviews tab to write a text of your desired length, choose your rating and there you are!

It’s up to you to keep these pages alive. Go ahead and tell us what you think! Pretty soon you’ll even be able to react directly to other members’ comments, making each album page a place of exchange. You’ll single-handedly keep the musical legacy of James Horner alive!
You can register and create an account or use your Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. None of your personal information, names and e-mail addresses, will be disclosed or shared with any third party. Please register now by following this link:
If you find yourself logged off on your next visit, just surf back to this page:
Alternately, feel free to log on using the header of the site, the home page or the space provided for the comments sections.
Finally, helping hands are still more than welcome. We are currently looking for:
– a contributor with a good grasp of Spanish, reasonably available and motivated to help update the information of the albums pages.
– Anyone wishing to write informative articles about the work of the Maestro – we’ll be sure to publish your material on the site!
– a contributor with a good grasp of English and French, reasonably available and motivated to translate the English pages that do not appear on the French site (Chants and Songs, DVD / Blu-ray ….)
– a contributor with a good grasp of Spanish, reasonably available and motivated to help update the information of the albums pages.
– Anyone wishing to write informative articles about the work of the Maestro – we’ll be sure to publish your material on the site!
– a contributor with a good grasp of English and French, reasonably available and motivated to translate the English pages that do not appear on the French site (Chants and Songs, DVD / Blu-ray ….)

Through his music James was a part of our lives for 35 years, even more so since the regular meetings we had with him during the last years of his life. While we will be forever saddened by his untimely and sudden death, it is an honor to keep this site alive with the publication of articles and interviews highlighting his work, further fueled by your comments and your views on his music. That, I think, is the greatest tribute we can pay to one of the masters of film music.
Thank you for your help and support.

Thank you so much for your information today at the start of a very special week. You must be so busy…I have checked so many times each day for news from this wonderful Society. He would be so proud of what you are achieving. I only wish there was more I could do to help you in yiur request for info.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thank you for your message Pamela.
I agree with Pamela I wish there was some way us visitors to the site cpuld do
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thank you Zoe.
Congratulations to all at James Horner Film Music for making sure the flame of memory burned brightly during the week marking the first anniversary of JH’s passing.
There are so many great pieces of music in the Horner legacy that are special to his worldwide legion of fans, but for this time of reflection, which of course will be firmly fixed as a deeply important date in the calendar through the years ahead, perhaps one composition stands out.
I have never seen ‘Bicentennial Man’, released in the latter part of 1999, but I am nevertheless very familiar with JH’s score for the movie. I suspect that in the context of the story the notion of ‘the gift of mortality’ most likely has another meaning, but I believe this beautifully elegant piece now resonates with poignancy above and beyond what was originally intended.
The ultimate cause of the fatal accident will never be known, and it is hard to comprehend how the clear brilliance of a blue sky morning can be so violently transformed into tragedy, but there is no denying that when the composer took to the air on 22nd June 2015, fate bestowed on James Horner the gift of mortality.
While we continue to celebrate the immense richness of all he left behind, ‘The Gift of Mortality’, a stunning six-minute example of the genius of James Horner, captures like nothing else the heart-breaking sadness of his passing.
That is a lovely piece Ken has written on Bicetennial Man score. Had this given to me for a special birthday a few years ago and has remained one of my favourites. It breaks my heart how his life ended so tragically, even though he was doing what he loved so much. At the moment waiting for his music to be played on Classic FM. Pamela.