Dear readers,
This month, Jean-Jacques Annaud's newest film, Wolf Totem will come out in China and France respectively on 19 and 25 February.
In January, we had the chance to see this feature film, to listen to the music composed by James Horner, and to briefly discuss with director Jean-Jacques Annaud and film producer Xavier Castano. The latter informed us that Wolf Totem will soon be distributed worldwide including the US by Sony.
To celebrate this fourth collaboration between the American composer and the French director, we decided to dedicate a series of articles to them, through February. Feel free to share them on the social networks, and to comment them in the space reserved at the bottom of each article.
The content of the Horner / Annaud dossier is:
Happy reading!

1 thought on “HORNER / ANNAUD DOSSIER”

  1. Thank you so much JB for giving us all details about wolf totem and also news regarding james.Really can't thank u enough for creating this wonderful website .Eagerly waiting for those articles to be published


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