[tab]1.  	An Ordinary Day (03:54) 2.  	Diana - A Future To Be... (04:55) 3.  	Becoming Close Friends (03:32) 4.  	All The Memories From An Old Photo Album (04:06) 5.  	The Gift Of A Necklace (03:59) 6.  	"Choose! Time to decide" (03:31) 7.  	Diana Gets Hit By A Car (03:45) 8.  	Two Lives Slowly Converging (04:35) 9.  	Diana's Young Conscience Is Finally Formed (03:44) 10.  	The Memorial - The Laying Of Flowers (02:31) 11.  	Two Worlds; The Past And The Future (02:51) 12.  	Young Diana's Future - A Future That Could Have Been... (12:15)


Ingénieur du son : Simon Rhodes
Monteurs : Jim Henrikson, Philip Tallman
Responsable de l'orchestre :  Peter Rotter
Programmation synthétiseurs : Ian Underwood, Aaron Martin
Piano : James Horner
Guitare : George Doering
Studio d'enregistrement : Phantom Recording, Sherman Oaks



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