[tab]1.  	Main Title (03:03) Contains TV Theme by Alexander Courage 2.  	Surprise Attack (05:08) 3.  	Spock (01:13) 4.  	Kirk's Explosive Reply (04:02) 5.  	Khan's Pets (04:19) 6.  	Enterprise Clears Moorings (03:36) 7.  	Battle in the Mutara Nebula (08:05) 8.  	Genesis Countdown (06:36) 9.  	Epilogue/End Title (08:43)

1.  	Main Title* (03:06) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage 2.  	Surprise on Ceti Alpha V (00:45) 3.  	Khan's Pets (04:19) 4.  	The Eels of Ceti Alpha V / Kirk in Space Shuttle* (03:53) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage 5.  	Enterprise Clears Moorings (03:33) 6.  	Chekov Lies* (00:40) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage 7.  	Spock (01:12) 8.  	Kirk Takes Command* / He Tasks Me (02:07) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage 9.  	Genesis Project (03:16) Composed and Performed by Craig Huxley 10.  	Surprise Attack (05:07) 11.  	Kirk's Explosive Reply (04:01) 12.  	Inside Regula I (01:35) 13.  	Brainwashed (01:24) 14.  	Captain Terrell's Death (01:58) 15.  	Buried Alive (00:57) 16.  	The Genesis Cave (01:09) 17.  	Battle in the Mutara Nebula (08:07) 18.  	Enterprise Attacks Reliant (01:29) 19.  	Genesis Countdown (06:34) 20.  	Spock (Dies)* (01:53) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage 21.  	Amazing Grace (01:26) 22.  	Epilogue* / End Title* (08:41) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage  Bonus Track 23.  	Epilogue (original version)* / End Title* (07:29) *Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)” by Alexander Courage


Orchestrations : Jack Hayes
Ingénieur du son : Dan Wallin
Monteur : Robert Badami












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