For two years the rumor have been circulating on James Horner’s participation on Wolf Totem, the next feature film by Jean-Jacques Annaud. (See our article of July 2013)
In January 2014, Jim Henrikson
confided an interview that the French director and the composer had spoken about the film but nothing was conluded. (See interview)
In recent weeks we were aware that James Horner was in China. For us, this was no accident but we were awaiting official confirmation. It finally happened Friday at a press conference where Jean-Jacques Annaud said that James Horner had joined him on this project. The director also spoke of Wolf Totem with these words:
"I feel proud, so proud for the film. I was thrilled when I finished watching it in advance. (…) It will be touching, it will be about the harmony between humans and nature, and it will be epic."
Wolf Totem is an adaptation of a Chinese novel written by Jiang Rong, published in 2004, and has sold over 20 million copies worldwide. His story tells how, in the late 60s, Chen Zhen, a young student from Beijing, was sent to Inner Mongolia to educate a tribe of nomadic herders.
Production of the Franco-Chinese film is expected in February 2015 in France. No date for an international release has yet been announced.
Source: chinadaily.com.cn
Photo credit : © China Film Group / Reperage

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