This Remembrance Week marks the 4th anniversary of the composer's passing. It is also a time for celebration—the Titanic Live West Coast premiere is on Saturday, June 22nd with the New West Symphony in Thousand Oaks, CA.
In this short video interview Sara Horner, widow of the late composer, reveals elements of James Horner's enigmatic personality. She has previously touched upon such details during our correspondence. The association has had the honor of discussing two important projects with Sara for the past two years—we will soon reveal more!
Each word and idea exchanged is a real pleasure. They release a flood of emotions caused by a shared sensitivity for an artist who left us too soon.

New West Symphony will perform Titanic Live at California Lutheran University on June 22nd.

Courtesy of New West Symphony Orchestra Presented by New West Symphony Association in partnership with CSUN/The Soraya and California Lutheran University.
TITANIC Live is an Avex Classics International Production


  1. For those who were familiar with James Horner and/or his work, the news of his death was one of those events where you’ll always remember where you were when you heard it. Just devastating. It only makes sense his wife would have a beautiful soul as well!

  2. I hope that she and his family understand that his science fiction work is basically the soundtrack of our lives for 80s babies such as myself. Especially Wrath of Khan. Which is arguably one of the best movie soundtracks ever recorded. Thank you for sharing him with the world. He was a blessing.

  3. James Horner’s work has reached us in something my late mother called “soul speak”. I can listen often and remember him in just that way.
    I love all the great movie composers and can just about name them watching a movie for the first time… but I never miss when its James Horner. His melodies are so recognizable. The world lost a great one and we can only imagine what might have been had he gone on.

  4. It is a great loss to music lovers. Away from the west, it took me three years to learn about the passing away of HOrner. HIs Titanic music became a culture and custom in every family globally. The Hymn to Sea still haunts… RIP

  5. I absolutely LOVE the music James Horner composed! To me, he was the most talented composer and to this day I listen to his music and feel so wonderful. His music touches my soul. I miss him. His music us a part of my life and I am so thankful for his gifts to us.

  6. One day after working late, it was dusk, and I stood outside of a window to observe the new maple floor that we were finishing. James approached me with a fascinated look in his eyes. The first thing out of his mouth was, “you can see the contours best at dusk can’t you? It was not something he knew before that moment. He did not have to ask what I was doing to figure it out. I built violins in those days. He then started to ask me about how violins were made. I proceeded to give him the entire shpeel. How the interior resonance at c is for soloist, at b it is for chamber. How the plates are tuned 1/2 step apart how they are not evenly reduced in thickness due to the natural variance of winter grain and summer grain. On and on and on. Not once in the detailed description of the building process did he have to ask a question in order to fully understand the process and why it was important. He had a fascinated child like expression the entire time I explained the build. He could not get enough. He had a knack for what I call sorting out the salient points of reference. For James, learning and understanding about the world around him was a joyful thing. All the best to Sara.

  7. Deborah Mogelberg

    “Jamie”, the name he went by was my closest friend my first year at University of the Pacific.
    Our rooms were on the same floor in the dorm building, we ate all meals together and would spend hours listening to albums that he loved.
    We had a club of just us two called the Nature Nauts devoted every weekend to discovering the ghost towns in the Motherlode Country.
    He was so kind, gentle, funny, private, such a lovely young man, a sweet friendship.
    I never saw him after that first year but thought of him often, followed his succeses and deeply saddened by his passing. The world lost a truly beautiful soul.

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