Orchestrations: Randy Kerber, J.A.C. Redford
Additionnal orchestrations: Steven J. Bernstein, Richard Stone, J. Eric Schmidt, Joseph Alfuso
Sound engineer: Simon Rhodes
Additional recording: David Marquette
Music preparation: Bob Bornstein
Music editors: Jim Henrikson, Joe E. Rand and John LaSalandra
Assistant music editor: Barbara McDermott
Music contractor: Sandy DeCrescent
French horn: James Thatcher
Synthesizer programming: Ian Underwood, Randy Kerber
Studio: Todd-AO Scoring Stage, Studio City
Synthesizer programming: Ian Underwood, Randy Kerber
Studio: Todd-AO Scoring Stage, Studio City
Where Are You Christmas
Performed by Faith Hill
Written by James Horner, Will Jennings, and Mariah Carey
Produced by Byron Gallimore and Faith Hill
Produced by Byron Gallimore and Faith Hill
Arranged by David Campbell
Come, Come All Ye Whos / Who-bilation / How I Love Who-liday Shopping / Happy Who-lidays
Performed by members of "Grinch" cast
Music by James Horner
Lyrics by Cynthia Weil
Lyrics by Cynthia Weil
The song Happy Who-lidays is included in the track "The Shape Of Things To Come".
Note: The track 23 "He Carves The Roast Beast" includes "Welcome Christmas"
Written by Dr. Seuss and Albert Hague
Performed by Taylor Momsen, Jim Carrey and members of "Grinch" cast
Written by Dr. Seuss and Albert Hague
Performed by Taylor Momsen, Jim Carrey and members of "Grinch" cast
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